Pets are truly a blessing to the world and humankind. Often times, people would look at them and not even stop to think how much of an impact they truly have on our daily life. It might sound like something trivial but picture this. Us as humans, if we do not experience recognition and affirmation that we are doing a good job, our first instinct is to be sad, angry or moody.
However, animals do not express this. No matter how many times we forget to acknowledge their importance as well as impact. They simply go about their days existing and unknowingly giving us an endless amount of good days and dopamine.
My best friend is quite possibly my dog back home. His name is Loki and he is gigantic. His pedigree is German shepherd, Doberman and Saint Bernard mixed. This equated to him continuously growing in the past 5 years. So much that he now weighs 120 pounds. His coat is beautifully white with black spots and his face was a combination of colors that highlighted his pedigree like no other. He has a habit of nibbling my hands when he gets excited and I absolutely adore it.
I make my job to remind him every time I get of his importance in my life because just like humans, he deserves to know. He has done more for me than people has and I wish that were an understatement but I do not regret saying it. He listens and cuddles me when I am having a rough time. He does not need to speak for me to understand he is there and very much empathic. That is the best part I think. His silence is not on purpose but it speaks volumes. I would take it over mindless chitchat any day and I think he knows that. I love the understanding we have because we get each other much better than humans do. It might sound absurd but Loki has contributed more to my production of dopamine than any external commodity.
It is a blessing to have such an amazing aspect of my life knitted into an animal because they never judge. Not once. Moreover, I love them to death. He is always going to be my best friend no matter how many cool people I meet down the road. I’ve shared things I’ve never shared with anyone with Loki and I’m grateful that he would never judge me for it or think I’ll of me. Maybe it is a hopeless case of attachment but he is my confider and always will be.
Humans are can be controversial at times but a dog will just sit there and make your day better by simply existing. The sad part is that they might not even know how big of an impact they have in your good moods, best memories or even accomplishments. That is why you should start to remind yours. Maybe they will react in ways you never thought they would.